Construction News, publishes two monthly newspapers covering the construction, design and engineering industries in San Antonio and Austin, Texas. News coverage for each of the publications focuses on local industry people, companies, trade associations and events.

Each month, our combined circulation of 8,200 copies reaches a large percentage of construction-related companies and professionals in these metropolitan areas by targeted direct mail, rack locations (Austin and San Antonio), and a digital subscription program.

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New location!The wait is finally over! Texas First Rentals is proud to announce the opening of their newest location at 6005 S. 183 Highway NB. 🎉

With a wide range of top-notch equipment and exceptional customer service, they are ready to serve and support all your rental needs.

#TexasFirstRentals #EquipmentRental
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New location!

Congrats!!! See MoreSee Less

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For some reason college has become a rite of passage to the extent that a plumber in NY city can be more expensive than a brain surgeon and that fact is over 40 years old!

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